Hold on to your butts, as my husband always says - it's about to be a bumpy ride!
The Schotts are embarking on a new adventure, ADOPTION, we don't quite know the way, the details or really what we are doing at all but we are setting out for this unknown land in faith believing (and crossing our fingers) that God will show up in it.
If you are new to our family saga, I have some posts on my personal blog about this "family building" season at http://lindsayschott.blogspot.com/2010/07/footprints.html.
Landon and I started to "not avoid" pregnancy (you use terms like that because you are terrified to just say - We're really trying to have a baby) in the winter of 2007. We got pregnant in January of 2010, miscarried in March and went through what felt like a very dark and lonley season. The previously mentioned blog post can describe a bit of what that time was like.
Our lives made a huge transition when we left Mercy Street, the church and ministry we had been a part of for 6 years. Landon got a job as a petrochemical inspector at the ship channel and I began working at Grace Fellowship UMC as the Communications Director in May/ June of this year, 2011. Shortly after this we found out we were pregnant again! If you know us, but you didn't know this, it wasn't personal, not that many people knew - call us crazy but we were a little hesitant from last time.
Sadly 11 weeks later, we lost that baby as well. What resulted from that experience was being convinced we wanted children, we didn't want to wait a whole lot more and that we should run headlong into adoption until the process shuts the door in our face. Convinced of our calling to be parents we have begun praying and researching adoption options.
So, if you know us and care for us on any level please pray for this process. We need wisdom, faith, patience and financing - lots of financing. We have already begun to see God move in these few baby steps (to be told later in another post) and we cannot wait to see what more miracles God has in store.
So, join us by reading the blog, becoming a follower, email us, pray for us and come to some of our fundraising events (oh yes, there will be events!). We are thrilled to share this journey because we believe that when God moves, He glorifies Himself, gives us great joy and encourages a whole body.
Much love,
Landon and Lindsay